Randolph Republican Club By-Laws



Randolph Township, New Jersey

March 1980, Revised September 1995 Rev.9, Revised June 2011 Rev.10, Revised November 12, 2015, Revised March 1, 2023

 ARTICLE  I             NAME

The official name of this organization shall be: RANDOLPH REPUBLICAN CLUB


The purpose of this club shall be to advocate, promote and support the principles of the Republican Party and to support only Republican candidates in the general elections on the national, state, county, and local levels.


Section 1.        Requirements for Membership

Membership shall be available to all individuals who support the Republican Party and are registered Republicans

Section 2.        Dues

The annual dues for membership shall be as recommended by the Executive Committee and approved by the membership at their October meeting.

Section 3.        Payment of Dues and Fees

Existing members: Dues shall become due and payable during January of each year.

New members: Full dues shall be payable by new members joining in the months of January through October and will apply to current membership year.  New members joining in November through December will be responsible for paying the next year’s membership rate and the membership will apply to the next calendar year.

Officers may not hold office unless they are members in good standing.

A member in good standing constitutes one who has paid the current year dues, supports the Republican Party and is a registered Republican.


Section 1.        Officers

The officers of this club shall be: President, First Vice President, Second Vice President, Recording Officer, Publicity Officer, Treasurer, Sergeant At Arms, Get Out The Vote Officer, and three (3) members of the Board of Trustees. No person shall hold more then one office of the Club at any given time.

Section 2.        Term of Office

The officers shall be elected for a period of one (1) year or until their successors have been elected and qualified. No elected officer may serve more then two (2) consecutive full annual terms in the same office with exception of the Treasurer.

Section 3.        Board of Trustees

The board of trustees shall consist of three (3) members. One member will be the immediate Past President of the club. One member will be the Chairperson of the Randolph Republican County Committee, and the last member will be elected by the club membership as the “Member – at – Large” for a one year term. In the event the immediate Past President or Randolph Republican County Committee Chairperson cannot serve, that person’s replacement will be selected by the Executive Committee.

Section 3a.      Duties

The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for Recruiting and Nominating Club Officers

The Board of Trustees shall submit a single slate of candidates for the elective offices at the October meeting.

Section 4.        Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Club and the Board of Trustees

Section 4a.      Duties

The Executive Committee shall fill all vacancies in the elective offices that occur between elections with the exception of the President who shall be replaced by the 1st Vice President.

The Executive Committee:

  1. may make decisions on expenditures of funds not exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00)
  2. shall prepare a calendar of the year’s activities and present it to the club membership at the February meeting
  3. shall be responsible to replace any elected officer who does not carry out or is able to carry out the duties of his or her office

Section 5.        Duties/Role of each Executive Committee Member

The President shall:

  1. provide leadership and strategic vision during active term
  2. be a member ex-officio of all committees except the Board of Trustees
  3. chair all club meetings and Executive Committee meetings
  4. be responsible for the proper functioning of all Committees and Boards
  5. see to it that all elected officers are carrying out their duties
  6. actively participate in fundraising events

The 1st Vice President shall:

  1. perform the duties of the President in his/her absence
  2. serve as Chairman of the Ways and Means Committee
  3. actively participate in fundraising events

The 2nd Vice President shall:

  1. perform the duties of the President in the absence of the President and the 1st Vice President
  2. be responsible for Programs, Activities and Speakers
  3. serve as Chairman of the Membership Committee
  4. actively participate in fundraising events

The Recording Officer shall:

  1. record and distribute the minutes of all regular meetings, special meetings and Executive board meetings.
  2. maintain the minutes in an electronic file and/or binder.
  3. actively participate in fundraising events

The Publicity Officer shall:

  1. be responsible for notifying paid club members of all meetings via email and post on Club website calendar.
  2. give club an online presence– FB, Instagram, RRC website.
  3. update the Club website of any special events.
  4. handle club correspondence.
  5. maintain a list of contacts that can be used for various club activities; such as meetings and fundraisers.
  6. actively participate in fundraising events

Sergeant At Arms shall:

  1. monitor registered republican status at door/ Security
  2. ensure bylaws align with club activities and NJ Elect Compliance requirements
  3. actively participate in fundraising events

The Treasurer shall:

  1. be the custodian of club funds
  2. deposit funds in the bank designated by the Executive Committee
  3. present a written statement of account at each meeting of the Executive Board
  4. present a written statement of account at each regular club meeting
  5. be responsible for providing the State of New Jersey (NJELEC) with all financial disclosure documents
  6. keep a record of all contributions to the club over the last five (5) years which will be used by the Ways and Means Committee for mailing for Club’s fund raisers
  7. keep a record of all disbursements made by the club including the invoice(s) that describe the expenditure and the check number, date and name/address of the payee. All expenditures must be made from the club depository.
  8. keep an inventory of club assets
  9. actively participate in fundraising events

Get Out the Vote Officer shall:

  1. reimagine how to increase and maintain Randolph Republican voter turnout
  2. identify opportunities to engage Randolph Independent voters
  3. lead new Randolph Republican resident outreach
  4. actively participate in fundraising events

Member at Large Trustee shall:

  1. be the voice of Club membership
  2. actively participate in executive committee meetings
  3. actively participate in fundraising events

County Committee Chair Trustee shall:

  1. provide county committee activity updates to Club
  2. actively participate in executive committee meetings
  3. actively participate in fundraising events

Past President Trustee shall:

  1. share past Club activities and history and serve as a resource to active President
  2. actively participate in executive committee meetings
  3. actively participate in fundraising events


Section 1.        Nominating Committee

The Board of Trustees shall present a single slate of candidates for elective office to the President at the October Executive Committee meeting

Section 2.        Election

The election of officers will take place at the November regular meeting or in the absence of a November meeting at the next regular meeting held. Nominations will be open to the floor. If there are any contested elective offices, elections shall be by closed ballot and duly elected officers shall take office the first meeting in January.

Section 3.        Voting Qualifications

All persons must be members in good standing sixty (60) days prior to elections.

Any Club member who has a direct or indirect conflict of interest in the subject being voted on is restricted from voting.  (Per State of New Jersey (NJELEC) Compliance Guidelines.)

Highly sensitive subjects may include but not be limited to votes associated with:

    • Campaign funding
    • Club finance allocations


Direct: Councilman in election year (or Spouse) voting on campaign funding for Councilman’s campaign. 

Indirect: Councilman in non-election year acting as campaign manager to a Council person in campaign year. 


Section 1.        Regular Meetings

The regular meeting of the club shall be the first Wednesday of the month promptly at 6:30 PM. Regular meeting shall be held in January, February, March, April, May, June, September, October, November, and December at a site selected by the President. The regular meeting night may be changed by a majority vote of the Executive Board members OR at the discretion of the President

Section 2.        Special Meetings

Special meetings shall be held at the request of the President. The Publicity Officer shall notify members of the meeting date and subject of the meeting at least three (3) days in advance.

Section 3.        Executive Meetings

Meeting of the Executive Committee shall be held at a time and place determined by the President.

Section 4.        Quorum

A quorum for the club shall be ten (10) members including elected officers until membership exceeds one hundred (100), if or when that occurs a quorum shall be 10% of paid membership in good standing.


Roberts Rules of Order Revised shall govern all proceedings except where inconsistent with the provision of the By-Laws.

Any amendments of these By-Laws shall be proposed by either:

  1. a petition by a majority of the voting members of the club.
  2. by recommendation of the Executive Committee.

The amendments shall be considered adopted when approved by vote of, two thirds (2/3) of the members present at the next regular meeting.


Section 1.

The club shall not endorse candidates in the primary election.

Section 2.

Anyone serving on the Randolph Township Council may not hold office in the club.

Section 3.

This club shall actively campaign for and support all nominated Republican candidates who are running; in local, county, state and national general elections.

Section 4.

  1. Any expenditure of funds exceeding two thousand dollars ($2,000.00) shall be made only by a majority of members in good standing who are present at a monthly meeting.
  2. All members of the Executive Board are authorized to make non-budgeted, discretionary expenditures of up to $50 with the authorization of the Treasurer or the President. All expenditures must be reported to the President within 30 days and submitted to the Treasurer with an invoice.

Section 5. 

In the event that the Club should dissolve, the Club funds will be distributed to

the Randolph Republican County Committee, not to exceed the allowable

contribution limits, and the Club account will be closed.  All State of New Jersey (NJELEC) reporting requirements will be fulfilled.  The amount exceeding the contribution limits, if any, will be             contributed to a local Republican election fund, as voted on by the majority of the Elected Officers of the Club.

Section 6.        Effective Date

By-Laws take effect at the first Club meeting following the acceptance of these By-Laws.